Undiagnosed Conditions
Have you been to every doctor and had “every” test run and still don’t know why you feel the way you do? Sometimes a new approach is needed to try and put the pieces of the puzzle together. Maybe it is time to start thinking “out-of-the-box”.

We Research and Take Each Case Seriously.
In these unique cases, having a record of everything that has been tested is critical. That way Dr. Miles can review everything and formulate a plan that has not been investigated before. Often even if answers aren’t discovered, there may be solutions that help improve quality of life. When Dr. Miles is presented with a new extraordinary case she approaches it with hours of research. We know that everyone would love to have a guarantee before they see a doctor that their case will be solved. What we can guarantee is that your case will be given the individual attention and exploration that you deserve.
Contact us if you have an undiagnosed condition.
What our Patients are Saying…