I feel like the title of this email should be labeled as a public service announcement!

SOOO many people are sick and they are just pushing through running around literally exposing everyone around them.  I know, I know since covid we are kind of over testing but at least most of you are laying low and avoiding getting out and about when you don’t feel good.  The symptoms are so similar that it can be tricky to distinguish between the different viruses.  There are at home kits for covid/flu A/flu B and these may come in handy especially if you want to take some of the drugs available to help shorten the course and decrease your symptoms.

READ ON to learn the symptoms of each of these viruses:

Obviously, this chart is an oversimplified version of symptoms so keep in mind you can have some of the other symptoms that are in different categories.  These are just the most common symptoms associated with each virus.  Not every symptom will manifest with each virus which leaves you wondering which one you do have.  Testing can be helpful in knowing the course of the illness and things to be looking for.  Regardless, if you have some of these symptoms then rest up and take care of yourself and avoid contact with others as much as possible as these are all contagious!


Symptoms:         Cold                Flu               COVID           RSV


/runny nose        X                      X                      X                      X

Sore throat          X                      X                      X                      X

Cough                   X                      X                      X                      X

Fever                                             X                      X                      X

Headache                                     X          `           X                      X

Fatigue                                          X                      X                      X

Body Aches                                   X                     X

Diarrhea                                                                X

Loss of taste/smell                                              X

Confusion                                                             X

Since I cut to the chase on these symptoms let’s discuss a few extra things to consider.  Norovirus has been going around. This is a distinct stomach virus with nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Children may have a low grade fever.  Some people will have a headache and muscle aches.  This is usually self-limiting and resolves quickly.

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RSV is primarily a lung infection and can be very serious in young children and older adults.  Wheezing can indicate severe involvement as well as a bluish tint to your nails/mouth all indicating low oxygen levels.

You can test for the Flu and Covid 19 with at home kits and RSV at most urgent care facilities.  You can test for norovirus but this is not done often as this virus is usually self-limiting and resolves quickly.

RSV is contagious for 3-8 days after symptoms appear.  However, some individuals such as infants and those with weaker immune symptoms may be contagious up to 4 weeks.

The flu can be contagious for up to 7 days after symptoms appear and in children and weaker immune systems up to 10 days or longer.

COVID may be contagious from 5 – 10 days after symptoms appear on average.

As a general rule of thumb, consider yourself contagious until you have had at least 24 hours with no fever or active symptoms.  Cough can linger for weeks and is not always a sign of continued infection so if you have a cough that has persisted more than a week always go make sure you have not developed a lung infection!

I have heard of all of these going around right now so load up on some immune boosting supplements (Zinc, Vitamin C, Mushroom extracts, vitamin D for example) and stay safe!

To your Health,
