One of my mother’s favorite times of the year was spring as all the blooms emerged from their winter’s sleep.  She particularly loved redbud trees because the blooms are so vibrant against the backdrop of brown trees that have not started to wake up.  I always think of her in the spring when I see budding trees and it brings me joy.  However, many of you may be dreading spring because along with the budding trees, blooms and of course, Oklahoma wind there are allergies!

We can’t avoid these seasonal changes unless you leave and go to another state or live in a bubble so let’s talk about 5 things you can do to help you thru this high pollen time….


FYI:  if you suddenly have a lot of allergy symptoms don’t forget that COVID can mimic allergies and it is going around!

  1. If you have food sensitivities that aren’t generally “that bad”, tighten up on your elimination diet during high outdoor allergen times. This helps lower the level of histamine already in your body to potentially decrease the severity of your reactions to other allergens.
  2. Rinse off when you come in from outdoors
  3. Wear a mask when doing yard work. After all, you have an entire stash of them somewhere… might as well get good use out of them!
  4. Try a natural antihistamine. One of my favorites is D-Hist (it’s available for children, too). With ingredients like quercetin, NAC and bromelain this helps thins the mucous and decreases inflammation. You can take this daily throughout allergen season.  **call us if we are out on our website because we have more coming in!
  5. Prone to sinus infections then go another step:
    1. Do regular nasal rinses to remove offending allergens
    2. Consider supplements that not only help thin the mucous and decrease inflammation but also have some immune boosting and anti-bacterial properties. My favorite is our Sinus Calm!  The key is to start it at the very first sign of nasal congestion.  I hit it hard with 3 capsules twice a day for two days only then go down to the recommended dose on the bottle.  You can take this on a daily basis if needed during high allergen times
  6. Use an air filter in your home and or work place. I really prefer ones with dual action of carbon and hepa filters like the AirDoctor.
Recent Newsletters:  Are your Medications Robbing your Nutrients?

Another tip:  If your nasal issues tend to land in your lungs then a supplement like our Immune Support may help keep your respiratory function from declining.

Happy Spring!!

To your health,
