When I was in college, I actually witnessed a heatstroke in a lady.  I was in the pool taking a scuba diving lesson and the instructor was sitting in a chair on the side of the pool.  Suddenly she quit talking and slumped over.  I had no idea this was a heat stroke but I instinctively jumped out of the pool and called for help while grabbing a towel and dipping it in the pool.  I then put the towel across her head and over her shoulders and kept it cool and wet until someone came to help me get her into the shade.


I was reading about many deaths recently due to the heat waves across the world and thought it would be an appropriate time to address the prevention of a heat stroke.  Having a heat stroke is a serious medical issue that can lead to life long problems and heat sensitivity so taking a few extra precautions this summer is crucial.

READ ON for 5 tips to prevent a heat stroke and 7 signs you are in trouble for a heat-related illness….

Here are tips to protect yourself…

1 .Stay Hydrated!  Drink plenty of water not only when exercising outside but even if you are out in the heat.  Avoid sugary drinks as well as alcoholic beverages as these contribute to dehydration.

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2. Choose appropriate clothing. Wear lightweight, loose fitting clothes with materials that allow your body to sweat and evaporate which will help cool your body.

3.Avoid Direct Sun. Pick times of day when the sun it not the strongest if you can and migrate toward the shade as often as you can.

4.Limit strenuous activities outdoors. Perhaps decrease the intensity and duration of heavy outdoor exercise and choose cooler times of the day.

5. Use sunscreen. Getting a sunburn actually makes your body harder to cool itself.

Know the signs of a heat stroke or heat-related illness:

  1. Increased heart rate
  2. Onset of headache
  3. Blurry vision
  4. Nausea
  5. Dizziness
  6. Confusion
  7. Fainting

If you have had a heat stroke in the past, carry some electrolytes or something like non-caffeinated GU to help your body handle the changes in temps.

To your health,
