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Dr. Laura Miles shares her knowledge on getting healthy and staying healthy through conventional, alternative, and restorative techniques.

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Reacting to Everything-Histamine Intolerance

When the histamine system is on overload your symptoms can go way beyond typical allergies and is often missed because the usual allergy symptoms like drippy nose is just not present.  Signs and symptoms of a histamine overload include: Hives, itching, rashes, flushing Swelling in [...]

April 15th, 2023|Educated Consumer|

When Seasonal Allergies are Year Round

Do you have seasonal allergies and yet you are taking an anti-histamine year round?  Do you have a constant runny nose or phlegm going down the back of your throat?  Do you have asthma? I think of the histamine system like a bathtub.  Anything that [...]

April 2nd, 2023|Educated Consumer|

AhChoo-4 Tips to Help Your Allergies

Yes, spring has sprung and your nose might be “sprung” also.  Ah-Choo!  If you have drainage in your throat, drippy nose and watery eyes then allergies can definitely be at play.  If you have severe allergies though there is often a whole different level of [...]

April 2nd, 2023|Educated Consumer|

Spring Pep Talk – Don’t “Try”

As we are turning the corner into spring with the redbud's in bloom, plants emerging from their winter sleep and grass starting to get greener now is the best time to start waking up yourself, too. New Year’s resolutions are long gone and yet here you [...]

March 25th, 2023|Educated Consumer|

Cannabis and Heart Disease

If you believe all the hype, cannabis is being touted to cure everything.  If a little bit is good then more is even better?  Not so fast.  Cannabis has numerous studies indicating it is good for inflammation and has many benefits.  That information is not [...]

March 18th, 2023|Educated Consumer|

4 Tips to Survive Daylight Savings Time

If you are grumbling about daylight savings time (like most people), you might just realize there are many health risks that have been linked to daylight saving time.  READ ON to learn how this one small hour change could be affecting your health and 4 [...]

March 13th, 2023|Educated Consumer|

The Hidden Cause of Heart Attacks & Strokes

Cholesterol levels alone are poor indicators of predicting the future of a heart attack.  Studies have shown that 75% of people who have had a heart attack had “acceptable” cholesterol levels based on our current guidelines.  Clearly, looking only at cholesterol is missing some key [...]

March 6th, 2023|Educated Consumer|

Coffee – friend or foe?

I get asked this question ALL the time.  Should I be drinking coffee?  How much is too much? Let’s set aside four scenarios that coffee is part of a bigger problem first. Fatigue: if you are having to drink 3 plus cups of coffee a [...]

February 12th, 2023|Educated Consumer|

Akkermansia – the next weight loss pill?

The gut microbiome keeps making its’ way into mainstream headlines in traditional medicine.  It’s about time!  Recent studies have shown a link with gut bacteria and prediction of heart failure, exercise endurance, exercise motivation in addition to the studies related to obesity!  So much more [...]

February 12th, 2023|Educated Consumer|
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