The Frustrating Little Cousins of Food Allergies

“My allergist said I wasn’t allergic to any foods. Can I still have a sensitivity?”

Yes! Many people have seen allergists and have been told they do not have any food sensitivities. That’s because many times the foods that are the culprit in these conditions are not being tested by an allergist. Allergists look at the IgE sensitivity pathway, or the “immediate” pathway. This is the skin prick test, which is now available as a blood test as well. Most sensitivities I see with GI issues are an IgG pathway, the so-called “delayed” sensitivity. This is misleading because symptoms can still occur rapidly with this type of reaction.

What are some signs that I may have a food sensitivity?

  1. Intermittent swelling of your fingers especially noticed when you wake up in the morning or later in the day
  2. Rapid weight gain and then rapid loss spanning a few days
  3. ANY gut issues: diarrhea, constipation, reflux that happen on a weekly basis
  4. Drippy nose
  5. Headaches
  6. Many more

How do I differentiate the “bad” foods from the “good?”

There are several good food sensitivity tests available; these are a good place to start looking for offending foods. Often it is not a “bad” food that is the problem but a food that is “bad” for you! The most common food sensitivities are from gluten, corn, dairy, and soy. But, keep in mind it can be a spice, meat or even a vegetable.

I’m targeting a possible “bad” food, but how long should I cut it from my diet to determine results?

At least THREE weeks of completely ridding that food from your diet. The longer the better! At the end of three weeks have one serving of it. Watch for signs and symptoms the day you eat it, the following day, and even two days later. Keep in mind symptoms that appear two days later can be related to the food you ate a few days prior.

How else can I combat a food sensitivity?

Alternatives are an option! You may consider glutathione, which can help decrease the duration and severity of a food sensitivity. Glutathione is a master anti-oxidant. This means is helps sop up all those toxic free radicals that are in your body causing oxidative stress and inflammation. Translation – food sensitivity relief AND anti-aging boosters in a single treatment.We also offer glutathione as an IV therapy for maximum absorption and results. We’re currently running a special! Do your test dose, then come back for the full dose the next day for only $10. We perform a test dose of glutathione to ensure negative reactions don’t occur due to a deficiency of the enzyme needed to process glutathione, which can cause symptoms. Once the test dose is successfully administered, you are free to complete the full dose at any time.

…to see if IV therapy is right for you!

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