Do you have any of these areas that need work?

  •      Repeated, negative behavior
  •      Weight problems
  •      Addictions
  •      Work or athletic performance
  •      Emotional stress
  •      Relationship problems
  •      Recurring pain
  •      Physical illness

I’m sure you are looking at this list with the perception that nothing can be done in these areas because you have tried so many times before. The reason you don’t have success with repetitive issues is because the negative energy causing these issues is trapped in your cells, holding onto a negative frequency.  Change the frequency and then we can release this for good!

I am a huge believer that we often manifest our own issues & illnesses by suppressing our emotions.  Our anger, sadness or stress if not dealt with properly will internalize and become trapped coming out as a physical complaint in our bodies. Our perception has a powerful impact on our health and wellness. It can also affect every aspect of our lives and result in procrastination, avoidance, trouble focusing… basically everything on the list above.  Even small things going on in your life can have an impact on what is happening to your body. At first I thought the idea of manifesting our own medical issues was hokey until I started evaluating myself.  This lead me on a scientific hunt to try to explain what I was seeing but more importantly I wanted a tool to help my patients understand how their perceptions were affecting them and change them.  The tool I found was biofeedback.  By revealing the underlying frequency issues and then counterbalancing them thru biofeedback a more harmonious picture can occur which can result in the release of repetitive behaviors.

With biofeedback our patients have experienced release of pain that they have had for years, release of sugar cravings, help with procrastinating, improved athletic performance and have gained insight to new ways of dealing with difficult relationships like the work place, family members, stepchildren and many more issues.

READ ON to find out how to work on these issues with very little effort on your part and why biofeedback works…


The science behind biofeedback comes down to the energy in our cells.  Quantum physics has proven that every cell in our body is made of positive and negative electrical charges.  We are electrical beings!  Every cell in our body vibrates at a certain frequency as a result of these charges.  Without a bunch of science talk, long story short, our cellular energy (frequency) is affected by our emotions.  Any positive emotion will vibrate at a higher frequency and negative emotions vibrate at a lower frequency.  In fact, everything that contributes to how our bodies function has its own frequency:  hormones, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, chemicals we are exposed to, etc.  Our bodies are a symphony of frequencies and when we are out of balance we FEEL this and any disharmony leads to physical symptoms and disease.

Stress can be an underlying cause of disharmony.    Stress can be caused by physical injury (think of car accidents, surgeries, etc), environmental influences (toxins, high voltage electrical towers, allergens, etc) as well as emotional (job, relationships, etc).  Anything that causes stress affects our cells vibrational frequencies and when we have disharmony it can manifest as disease!   Often, it’s not the stress itself but the way we perceive the stress which is dictated by our perception.  This is why ten people in the same stressful situation will react differently not only emotionally but physically as well.  Our perception varies from person to person.  The most important fact is how YOU perceive things.  There is no right way or wrong way.  It is YOUR way and that is what you have to work on because this is what you will manifest in your body.

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Here are some common perceptions that keep us stuck:  feeling unacknowledged, repetitive thinking, sadness, emotionally disconnected, self critical, conditional love, anger, fearful & overwhelmed, suppressed emotional expression, unworthy/undeserving, and rigid beliefs.  Let’s look at this list again and ask what underlying perceptions are affecting these areas?

  •      Repeated, negative behavior
  •      Weight problems
  •      Addictions
  •      Work or athletic performance
  •      Emotional stress
  •      Relationship problems
  •      Recurring pain
  •      Physical illness

Often, we don’t know what is keeping us stuck. Our tool, the EVOX machine, helps with Perception Reframing by using the frequency of your voice to help you identify areas of “blockage” and then helps you release them thru biofeedback. By revealing the underlying perception issues and then counterbalancing them thru biofeedback a more harmonious picture can occur.


Watch this short video about the EVOX.

What to expect in a session:

You come up with a short sentence regarding whatever issue is going on in your life.  Sometimes it is literally just a name, a place that brings up those negative feelings, or whatever you are stuck on (losing weight, fixing something, etc).  If you don’t know where you are stuck, the EVOX has sequences that will give you a starting point.

Next, you speak this phrase into a microphone over and over for a few seconds.  The EVOX reads the frequency of your voice/emotion.  Then you sit back and listen to some peaceful music thru headphones while you receive a balancing frequency thru your hand using the EVOX hand cradle.  Our skin is a very receptive organ and by simply placing your hand onto the sensors you will receive the different frequencies. When this sequence is finished, a graph appears that will tell you where your emotional frequency is stuck.   Thru a process of sequences more and more layers are released.


We have been truly amazed about the “aha” moments our EVOX clients have experienced.  For some serious issues, combining this with counseling can lead to real progress in a very short time.

Come try this perception reframing technique for only $20 for your first session!  You don’t have to be a patient of mine to take advantage of this tool.


To your health,
