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Recent Newsletters

Dr. Laura Miles shares her knowledge on getting healthy and staying healthy through conventional, alternative, and restorative techniques.

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Gluten: yes or no?

I see an article on a weekly basis regarding the pros or cons of being gluten free.  Traditional medicine leans toward the stance that if you don’t have Celiac disease then you should not avoid it.  I have a problem with this because I think [...]

June 29th, 2019|Educated Consumer, Food Sensitivities|

Toxic foods-glyphosate

Glyphosate is one of the key ingredients in herbicides including Round Up.  Monsanto, the maker of Round Up was recently sued and has had multi-million dollar verdicts awarded to the people involved.  One lawsuit awarded $55 million in compensatory damages in addition to $1 billion [...]

June 8th, 2019|Educated Consumer, News|

The Art of being Present

This will be my final piece in my mental health series. I didn’t announce this series up front because for some reason when it comes to really looking at what is going on down deep inside we just turn away (which keeps everything down deep [...]

June 2nd, 2019|Educated Consumer|

Forgiving and our health

Forgiveness What an easy word to say.  What a hard thing to do.  I think this is something we all struggle with at times in our life.  While we may easily recognize the need to forgive others we often overlook the need to forgive ourselves.  [...]

May 17th, 2019|Educated Consumer, Stress|

Working thru sadness

Depression is one of the most common mental health issues with almost 300 million people affected.  16.2 million people in the United States will have had at least one major depressive episode last year alone and anti-depressants are a multi-billion dollar industry.  So, if you [...]

May 5th, 2019|Educated Consumer|

Trouble Sleeping?

Lack of sleep is a major cause of medical visits and can spiral into many different ailments. It is estimated that 70 million Americans have insomnia and roughly 43 million have sleep apnea with most of these people undiagnosed and unaware they have it.  Prescription [...]

April 27th, 2019|Educated Consumer|
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