Many of you have kids of all stages of life and during times like these mama and papa bears come out and try to protect our cubs.  There are some unique challenges we are all facing as parents.  Perhaps your young adults aren’t taking this seriously, maybe your teen is very anxious, or your younger kids are feeling trapped and withdrawn from their usually socially crazy lives.  Parents are having to learn how to be teachers when maybe that isn’t your strong suit.  Patience is thin because of close quarters and limited activities.  Increased pressure of cooking makes you realize just how much we were relying on going out.  And there are so many other issues.  It’s a lot and you are NOT alone.   Read on for some positive self-talk to help your teens, a perspective from a teacher and 8 survival tips on homeschooling.

Jenni Marino Ross, a licensed professional counselor M.Ed LPC, offers these tips for teens (and maybe you too) with positive self talk:

  •             It’s a Pause
  •             It’s a Change
  •             It’s Different
  •             It’s a Break
  •             I will be OK
  •             I am OK!
  •             I will see my friends again…
  •             I am following the guidelines for everyone:  to get this over…
  •             I am not in a hurry during my day
  •             Spending time with my family is nice
  •             It will not always be like this!
  •             We are getting through this…
  •             I am safe in my House
  •             I am enjoying time at home.

She did a nice segment on News 9 and you can watch it here.

I also spoke to a middle school teacher who had some great insight on how she is working with her students.  She just wants to help provide a little bit of routine in keeping with what they would be doing with school but has shifted away from any stressful deadlines, requirements and pressure.  Teachers are fully aware that students home environments vary greatly and these kids don’t need any added pressures.

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Here are some survival tips for parents learning to homeschool:

  1.      Make a schedule. For example, Math from 9-9:30 but you can be flexible
  2.      Create a designated school work space
  3.      Be creative. If it is a gorgeous day outside maybe do some work outside.
  4.      Don’t try to teach for hours in a row. At the most 2-4 hours in an entire day is sufficient and break that up by getting the kids moving.
  5.      If you are struggling, reach out to the school for some help or other mothers in the class.
  6.      Be forgiving with yourself and your kid. Next fall, every school across the nation will be dealing with the same issue of getting all of these kids back on track so you are not alone.
  7.      Know your child. For example, if you child does better with structure then create that structure and try to stick to it as much as possible.
  8.      Get your kids moving at a variety of times throughout the day.

So, in keeping with moving I asked yoga instructor Shannon Stephens, owner of This Land Yoga, to do a kids yoga segment.  She also leads amazing meditations and has included a short kid friendly meditation.  This is something the whole family can do!  Check out this yoga class – don’t worry about any props!  Just grab a towel (or not) and you are ready!    This Land Yoga is also offering on demand classes like so many of our local yoga studios!  Please check them out.  It is the perfect time to try something you have never tried before!

One last very important suggestion….

Reach out and thank the teachers!  What a special gift they have to work with our kids for 7-8 hours a day.

To your health,
