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Dr. Laura Miles shares her knowledge on getting healthy and staying healthy through conventional, alternative, and restorative techniques.
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Ah choo! 5 tips for combatting seasonal allergies
A few nights ago, I was walking outside and turned a corner and I felt like I was attacked by pollen. I suddenly started sneezing, my eyes were watering, my throat was scratchy and my nose was dripping. I haven’t had seasonal allergies like this [...]
When hyperthyroidism is misdiagnosed as anxiety
Hyperthyroid misdiagnosed as anxiety I have seen three people in the last few months that were told they were having panic attacks with high anxiety when they were actually hyperthyroid and were having a thyroid storm! All three of my patients that had thyroid storms [...]
5 unsuspecting heavy metal exposures
I had a great question from a patient last week that I thought deserved answering for everyone. She recently found out she had high levels of mercury and wondered where she could have gotten an exposure to heavy metals. There are many metals in our [...]
HPV vaccine – important information
Vaccines are such a hot and controversial topic so let me be very clear, I am not going to tell you to get this vaccine or not get it but just present as many facts as I can so you can make an informed decision [...]
Oral cancer and HPV
Are you at risk for oral cancer? The answer is yes! Recently, I was talking to a patient who had just been diagnosed with HPV and was in a watch and wait mode to be retested in one year. When asking her about what her [...]
Dental cause of systemic disease
The dental cause of systemic disease I have seen over and over in my practice numerous patients who had systemic illness that with the help of a dental sleuth we were able to pin down the origin to their mouth. And this was with [...]
Shingles vaccine pros and cons…
I get asked all the time whether or not I recommend the shingles vaccine. Epidemiologists are saying that 1 in 4 people will get shingles in their lifetime. CDC (center for disease control) is recommending the vaccine for anyone over the age of 50 when [...]
10+ cool health APPS
Last week I had a patient who was wondering if they were having a heart rhythm problem and wanted a way to check it at home. Some quick research on the APP store turned up several apps that would not only monitor your heart rhythm [...]
Stuck? Why biofeedback can help
Do you have any of these areas that need work? Repeated, negative behavior Weight problems Addictions Work or athletic performance Emotional stress Relationship problems Recurring pain Physical illness I'm [...]
This hormone keeps us fat
Hmmm. A hormone that by design is to keep us fat. At first your knee jerk reaction is “no thank you” but when you learn that this hormone is released by your fat cells with the main goal of maintaining fat stores for survival during [...]