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Dr. Laura Miles shares her knowledge on getting healthy and staying healthy through conventional, alternative, and restorative techniques.
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5 tips to avoid blood sugar problems
November is National Diabetes Month and millions of people are walking around with diabetes and don’t even know it. Even worse, millions of people have gone to their primary care physician and have been told they are fine or are pre-diabetic and are just being [...]
Top tips for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is such an interesting diagnosis. I often think of it as a label that really means nothing more than "we have no idea why you feel bad'. People with fibromyalgia legitimately don't feel good, have increased pain sensation, altered mood, muscle aches, joint pain [...]
Tapping – a stress busting tool
Any time you are going thru a difficult time regardless if it is a physical issue or an emotional issue, science has shown that we store these energies in our body. The paths these type of energies travel in are often referred to as meridians. [...]
Addressing bone loss naturally
We are constantly building and breaking down bone every single day and bone loss (osteopenia/osteoporosis) is a naturally occurring process in all of us. The key is to try to prevent accelerated bone loss and preserve and build as much bone as you can. While bone [...]
5 Stomach Flu Tips
5 Stomach Flu Tips Back to school often brings many ailments not only to the children but the community. I have heard of several people in the last week with the stomach flu so thought I would give you a heads up on some tips [...]
CBD – What you need to know
CBD- what you need to know before purchasing There is no doubt you have seen the proliferation of CBD stores in Oklahoma in the last few months. While I am sure it is all in preparation for medical marijuana, it is important to understand that [...]
Is your gut bacteria making you fat?
Is your gut bacteria making you fat? When fecal transplants first found favor for treating the severe infection clostridia difficile an interesting thing happened. When they took the feces from an obese individual and gave it to a skinny individual, the skinny individual then [...]
Multiple Sclerosis risk factors and natural treatments
Multiple Sclerosis - risk factors and natural treatments Many of you have heard of Multiple Sclerosis, often referred to as MS. It is a nerve disease that causes damage to the nerve sheath called myelin in the spinal cord and brain.. My mother had MS [...]
HPV- more than watching and waiting
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is thought to be responsible for more than 90% of anal and cervical cancers. Cancers of the head and neck were previously primarily caused by smoking and alcohol but newer studies are showing that as much as 70% of these may be [...]
Changing our perception to help navigate stress
Over and over again I see patients who have physical challenges that I am convinced stem from unresolved emotional issues. These issues manifest as disease. A study looking at reasons for primary care visits revealed that almost 90% of the visits were related to underlying [...]