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Recent Newsletters

Dr. Laura Miles shares her knowledge on getting healthy and staying healthy through conventional, alternative, and restorative techniques.

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How do I Avoid Exposure to Gluten?

Q:  Help!! I am supposed to be gluten free because I am sensitive to it but I keep getting exposed when I eat out.  What am I doing wrong and where can I eat? A:  You are not the only one that has found maneuvering [...]

April 3rd, 2017|Allergies, Diet & Weight, Healthy Eating|

Avoiding Toxic Beauty Products

Q: Do you have any recommendations on natural beauty products that work and are safe?   Answer:  Great question!  Our beauty products do not have much regulation and are rarely labeled.  Because this is such an important topic I asked an expert beauty blogger, Sarah [...]

March 1st, 2017|Ask the Doctor|

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Q:  Are there any supplements you recommend for treating cholesterol? A:  Great question and yes, lots!!  Read on... First we need to understand cholesterol.  Years ago the ranges for a "normal cholesterol" were above 250 and now they are diving lower and lower.  We are [...]

February 2nd, 2017|Diet & Weight, Healthy Eating|

What are some of my favorite healthy lifestyle tips?

Q:  What are some of "my" favorite healthy lifestyle tips? A:  I could write the entire next years worth of emails on this topic. So many areas to work on so I thought I would give you my top three tips for a healthier you! 1. [...]

January 2nd, 2017|Diet & Weight, Healthy Eating|

Boosting Your Immune System

Q: I always seem to get sick around the holidays, is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening?  A: Great question!  When we are busy, busy focusing on everything but ourselves our bodies go into a fight or flight mode.  The fight [...]

December 1st, 2016|Allergies, Stress|

How do you handle the stress associated with your children?

Q: How do you handle the stress associated with your children?   A:  Oh, this is such a great question and is so very complex.  This fits perfectly with the election stress because even though our family members can push the buttons all the way [...]

November 5th, 2016|Anxiety, Stress|

Election Anxiety

This years election is causing more stress than any other prior election that I can remember.  It doesn't matter who you are for, against or just think they both need to be tossed out and beg for a do-over, the fact is that this election [...]

November 2nd, 2016|Anxiety, Stress|
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