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Recent Newsletters

Dr. Laura Miles shares her knowledge on getting healthy and staying healthy through conventional, alternative, and restorative techniques.

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Why the Keto diet works

I can’t believe it is already December!  I literally just finished the last of my gluten free/dairy free cake that for some reason I thought I needed a piece for breakfast, lunch and dinner!  Does anyone else do that?  Ugh.  I usually give December a [...]

December 2nd, 2018|Diet & Weight, Healthy Eating|

Coconut oil health benefits

I literally hear about coconut oil on a daily basis including everything from bullet proof coffee, oil pulling or swishing with coconut oil.  However, traditional medicine especially in the lipid and cholesterol world have been crying that it is a saturated fat and is harmful [...]

November 11th, 2018|Diet & Weight, Healthy Eating|
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